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The 'arrival' of big data has been heralded with both excitement and trepidation. Organizations that successfully tackle the volume, velocity, and variety of big data with energy and creativity will have an undeniable competitive advantage. Companies hampered by problems with data integration and analysis will be besieged by cost, complexity, and risk issues. You can take a leadership role by helping guide the business through the complexities of big data projects. Avoid potential pitfalls by using caution when introducing unproven, albeit innovative, technologies such as Hadoop into the mix.

Say Hello To The World Project

Big data hype You no doubt face daily challenges integrating unstructured data from disparate sources such as social media and mobile devices and would welcome a solution. And Hadoop is a significant innovation. Its support for all data types, its open-source roots, and the media buzz surrounding it are alluring. “Most organizations are still in the early stages, and few have thought through an enterprise approach or realized the profound impact that big data will have on their infrastructure, organizations and industries 1,” says Doug Laney, research vice president at Gartner.


Start small Hadoop will challenge even the most innovative developers. Training and certification programs are scarce and best practices have yet to be established. Adding Hadoop to both your skill set and your existing environment will require education and planning. But fear not — you are not alone. Many developers are looking for a “Hello World” introduction to Hadoop and big data. For the same reasons you profile and cleanse data before integrating it, you need to understand and evaluate Hadoop before introducing it to your extended environment. Otherwise, you may be introducing unnecessary risks and complexity. Driver san francisco full game download pc.

Hadoop can certainly be used to analyze huge volumes of data. It does not manage metadata, however, so your data must be clean, consistent, and reliable.

It also lacks logging and audit trails, administration and security, and operations visibility and tuning assistance. That’s where your skills with time-tested models such as ETL (extract, transform, load) will be valuable. Your experience leaves you in the perfect position to take the best Hadoop has to offer now and grow your skills as it matures as a technology. For reassurance and specifics, see '.' Find out more detail on how to brace yourself for big data by reading the white paper, '.

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